Cancellation FAQ

Do refer to our cancellation policy or general FAQ for more information! Rule of thumb: cancelling quests incur charges, and we will charge a cancellation fee to the party responsible for causing the quest to be cancelled.

General Enquiries

Both parties can initiate a cancellation. Click on the three dots at the top of the chat to access the cancellation request button, and make sure you provide the reasons for cancellation clearly.

The cancellation will be processed thereafter and a refund will be made towards the Citizen. A cancellation fee of 10% of the quest fee will be charged towards the party found responsible for causing the quest to be cancelled.

When you receive a cancellation request, the quest will automatically be cancelled. However, you are given 48 hours to accept or reject the reasons of cancellation. 

With each quest booked, there will be processing and service fees incurred. Therefore, a cancellation fee will be charged to the party found responsible for causing the quest to be cancelled. 

By accepting or rejecting the cancellation, you are providing important information to the Quest Support team to decide which party should be the one bearing the cancellation fees.

If there is neither an acceptance nor rejection of a cancellation request, the quest will be automatically cancelled after 48 hours and the Quest Support team will review the cause of cancellation and charge the party responsible for causing the quest to be cancelled a cancellation fee.

Accepting or rejecting helps the Quest Support team to have a clearer picture and also provide evidence for which party should be charged.

Therefore in the unfortunate event that a quest is cancelled, having your cooperation in accepting or rejecting a quest cancellation request is crucial.

Once you are sure you want to proceed to cancelling a quest, you can head to the chat tab. Enter the chat with the respective party you would like to cancel with. In chats, there will be a ‘3 dots’ icon on the top right hand side of the screen, tap on it, and request for cancellation.

Remember to state the reason for cancelling, and your quest will be cancelled thereafter.

Cancelling quests incur charges. When a quest is cancelled, there will be processing fees and service fees incurred in the process.

As part of the Quest mission to build a trusted community of reliable users, we charge users with a cancellation fee to promote reliability amongst Heroes as well as to ensure no Citizens would blindly post a quest without intention of payment.

We will therefore charge the party responsible for causing the quest to be cancelled a cancellation fee.

Not necessarily, even if you are the one that initiate a cancellation, we will not charge you a cancellation fee as long as you are not the one responsible for causing the quest to be cancelled. 

Therefore, when cancelling a quest, please make sure to state the reasons clearly in order for the Quest Support team to make a fair decision to charge the party responsible for cancelling.

The Quest Support team charges a cancellation fee to the party responsible in causing the quest to be cancelled.

We make this decision via the information we have on hand, via evidences submitted by both parties, the quest title, description, screening questions and answers. We will not be aware of conversations out of the platform. To ensure you are fairly reviewed, please do state the reasons clearly with evidence provided when a cancellation occured.

If you still feel that you have been unfairly charged a fee, please do write in to with context of the cancellation and we will review it on a case-by-case basis.

I'm a Citizen

I need things to be done

If the Hero you assigned the quest to is not suitable to complete your quest, you may request for a cancellation by clicking the three dots in the chat.

If the Hero did not read your title, description, requirements, screening questions properly, and falsely offered, we will do a full refund for you.

However, if you were not clear in the quest descriptions and accepted the Hero despite the Hero’s prompt answers to your screening questions, we will charge you a cancellation fee for causing the quest to be cancelled.

You will get refunded a full amount of the quest fee when a quest is cancelled. However, we may not return you the service fee paid, and charge it as a cancellation fee if you were found to be the one causing the quest to be cancelled. 

If you cancelled the quest within 5 days of posting the quest and if no cancellation fee has been charged towards you, we will not initiate any charge towards your credit card. We will remove the ‘Pending’ status on your bank statement, and an immediate refund will be initiated.

However, if your quest has been in-progress for more than 5 days after accepting an offer, or if you have been charged a cancellation fee, the refunds will go back to your respective payment method within the next 5 working days.

I'm a Hero

I help others get things done

Yes, if the quest posted had clearly stated the requirements and credentials needed, and in the case that you do not possess them, you will be charged a cancellation fee.

Therefore, please ensure you ask questions in the questions section before making an official offer as this reduces any uncertainties of your capability to take on any quest.

If you have a balance in your Quest Earnings wallet, it will be deducted from the Quest Earnings wallet.

If your Quest Earnings wallet has a zero balance, there will receive a negative balance and will receive a reduction in your next payout. 

For example, if the cancelled quest was worth $100, the cancellation fee will be $10. If the next quest you successfully complete is $50, then the amount you will receive will be the difference between the new quest price and the cancellation charge, which is $40.

Not necessarily! When a cancellation is lodged, the Quest Support team will vet through your case. From there, we will decide which party is the cause for the quest to go uncompleted. 

In this case, you can request for cancellation under the 3 dots icon in chats. Do state the reason clearly for cancellation, and the quest will be cancelled with cancellation fees charged to the Citizen for inaccurate posting.